Baby Class (0-17 mo.)
This class is for babies, newborn to around 17 months. In the nursery we will provide a safe place for our youngest members of Mosaic. They will be cared for by moms who have a passion for this age group. Here they can sleep, eat, play, and be read books. We will make it a quiet place for napping babies and provide plenty of stimulating activities for wake-time.
Toddler Class (18 mo - 2 years)
This class is perfect for toddlers with their growing need to move and explore! Bubbles, outside playtime, balls, puzzles, music and dancing, sensory play and much, much more fill toddlers' time at Mosaic. They also have a regular nap time each co-op day.
Pre-K3 (3 Years old.)
We have found that once formal schooling of older children begins the demands of school can quickly fill our days. As a result, sometimes our younger children miss out on the intentional learning activities that we did with the older ones. Some of these include reading good books, learning nursery rhymes and getting messy with things like finger paints, glue and play dough. Our heart for this class is that it would be all the above mentioned and more for your preschoolers!
Preschool students will play in centers that are designed to help each child grow independently and refine his/her motor skills in practical life applications. They will memorize poetry and scripture. They will enjoy many other enriching and stimulating activities designed to maximize each child’s development physically, socially, and cognitively. In addition, this class will have a daily, regularly scheduled rest/nap time. Our desire is to make this a class your preschoolers cannot wait to come to each and every day. Mosaic is not just for your older children, but we want it to be a fantastic place for your preschoolers as well!
In our pre-k class students will enjoy a regular schedule similar to their older siblings covering history, science, music, and art but on a level appropriate for this age group.
In our pre-k class students will enjoy a regular schedule similar to their older siblings covering history, science, music, and art but on a level appropriate for this age group.